Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1076: Strength Vs. Toughness: Know The Difference
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#1076: Strength Vs. Toughness: Know The Difference

Ah, you thought these were the same? They’re not — as a matter of fact, you don’t even need one to have the other. Today I’ll tell you how each one is defined, explain how to put each into action, and give you steps to having more of each.

2:57 Today’s Topic: Strength Vs. Toughness – The Difference

4:11 Point I: Strength is the quality and state of being physically strong.

6:37 Point II: Toughness means being strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.

18:56 Point III: Toughness makes a way where strength cannot.

21:39 Recap

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