Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1060: Why [Otherwise Promising] Athletes Fail To Become Professionals
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#1060: Why [Otherwise Promising] Athletes Fail To Become Professionals

Here’s a hint: nobody knows what you should do. If they did, The would be you. And while you may not know what you should do either, it makes sense — you’re not supposed to know! If you knew then you would have done it already. Today I explain why you need to stop asking this useless question.

3:05 Today’s Topic: Why (Otherwise Promising) Athletes Fail To Become Professionals

5:14 Point I: No personal initiative.

11:43 Point II: No discipline.

14:49 Point III: Failure to improve.

18:03 Point IV: Listening to the peanut gallery.

21:37 Recap

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