It feels great to be picked.
Someone took a look at all the options out there — or maybe they only saw you and decided to not even look at alternatives — and chose you as The One. Being chosen serves as social proof It’s a hell of a boost to our ego.
But waiting to be chosen is a losing game.
Today I explain why the waiting game of wanting to be chosen isn’t a game you want to partake in.
3:05 Today’s Topic: Are You Still Waiting To Get Picked? Why?
5:52 Point I: Anyone to whom you give the power to choose you, now has the power to unchoose you. Don’t let others decide what you’re worth.
8:34 Point II: I am not against the act of being chosen. Be careful about what you decide you need versus what you decide you want.
11:49 Point III: Self-efficacy
15:49 Recap