Work On Your Game Content/Podcast/#1032: What If You Did The Best You Could Possibly Do?
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#1032: What If You Did The Best You Could Possibly Do?

We don’t always give our absolute best. It’s not because we plan on slacking, it’s just that we’re not thinking about our effort levels and we’re not conditioned to push past what we’re comfortable with. Today I’ll give you something to think about when it comes to giving your best as often as possible.

:07Today’s Topic: What If You Did The Best You Could Possibly Do

5:09 Point I: What would have to be sacrificed to make room for the investment of you being the best you could be?

10:41 Point II: Mentally, can you make that deal with your physical body? Can you make your body be okay with that grind?

17:40 Point III: What are your standards for accountability?

20:54 Recap

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