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Mindset, Strategy, Accountability & Execution

#2427: "You Think You're Better!" Well, I Am

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Doing something to achieve an outcome is better than doing nothing.

Today’s episode is about your response when someone accuses you of being better than them. If that happens, proudly say yes! Personal and professional growth is necessary, so don’t be sorry about it and prove to them it’s not luck!

You are better than those people because you are listening to me now!

Show notes:
[6:55] #1 As you go on in your personal and professional growth journey, understand that there are people you are going to leave behind.
[13:17] #2 You have the right to believe that you're better than somebody especially if you’ve done the work.
[20:37] #3 Our culture has created the idea of “required false humility” wherein people pretend that their achievement is somehow luck
[27:02] Recap

Episodes Mentioned:
989: Why You Will Lose Some Friends Over The Next 5 Years
1549: Why Some Old Friends Become "Old Friends"
1031: The Value Of Not-Friends In Your Life
864: Success Happens Only On-Purpose
1058: Limiting Your Associations: 3 Levels Of People

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